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Artes dos Palco

The performing arts had strong institutional anchors in the city, and new independent groups emerged from the newly created vocational and higher education schools when, in May 1998, Porto was chosen as the European Capital of Culture .

The National Theater of S. João, bought by the State and opened to the public in 1993, had reinforced its presence in the city through a structured and high quality programming, which allied concerns with the working conditions of theatrical creators and with the Capturing and training audiences.

Rivoli, owned by the municipal government and after extensive rehabilitation and remodeling works, opened in 1997 with a dense program, using the two auditoriums, the production room, the foyers and the café-concert as spaces for presentation and / or preparation of shows Diversified, emphasizing the Dance, the Puppets and the New Circus.

On the stage of the National Auditorium of Carlos Alberto tried more experimental routes; The Campo Alegre Theater was under construction; In the Vilarinha Theater the best texts for children were uploaded to the scene; The Puppets occupied a little theater in Belmonte, and in the Plaza de Arca d’Água, the Ballet had found its own space.

In this dynamic and creative context, the arts program on the stage of the European Capital of Culture, built on cooperation between public institutions and Porto2001, aimed at giving an increased dimension of quality and internationalization to the TNSJ and Rivoli programs, enriching the Support the technical and artistic maturation of professional groups by training and supporting more demanding projects and creating better working conditions for creators. This cooperation resulted in the presentation in Oporto, over two years, of authors and national and international companies of reference, in all areas of the performing arts.

Another line of programming was based on the sharing of experiences between amateurs and professionals. The theater was extended to other stages, built with the prisoners in Paços de Ferreira, with the inmates in the Tutoria, with the Cape Verdean community of Porto.

Porto2001 financed the reinforcement of stage equipment at the Coliseu do Porto, bought and began remodeling the Carlos Alberto National Auditorium and covered the cloister of the monastery of S. Bento da Vitória. These two spaces were later integrated into the TNSJ.

Pontos de Interesse

Red Bull Air Race Porto

Dez anos depois da estreia, Portugal está de volta ao calendário da Red Bull Air Race World Championship! Tal como aconteceu nas edições de 2007, 2008 e 2009, a ação decorre sobre as águas do Douro, entre as cidades do Porto e Vila Nova de Gaia – num autêntico...