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Marietta Museum of History to Host Leo Frank Lecture

The William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum is partnering with the Marietta Museum of History to present a lecture on the Leo Frank case. The program will take place on Sunday, June 23rd, at 2 PM and feature legal scholar Van Pearlberg, who is Deputy Attorney General for the State of Georgia and studied the Leo Frank case extensively.

The murder of Mary Phagan and the lynching of Leo Frank created shockwaves that still reverberate today. The trial inspired the formation of the Anti-Defamation League and the lynching inspired the reformation of the Ku Klux Klan. The recent reopening of the case by the Fulton County District Attorney adds even more relevance to the lecture.

The cost of admission for the program is free for Breman Museum members and $10 for non-members. Visit for tickets and more information.


CONTACT: David Schendowich

Director of Marketing and Communications, The Breman Museum


Pontos de Interesse

City Club, Marietta Undergoing Renovations

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